Sharing inspiration

Just before October half term, with my children's author hat on, I spent a day at Christow Primary School in the Teign Valley. Over the summer holidays, an amazing team of builders, parents, teachers and helpers had built a fabulous new library from scratch for these lucky children. I was very honoured to be invited to run a day of creative writing workshops with each year group; we made books, read stories and created characters, and then they asked me to open the library, packed with parents, teachers and excited children, at the end of the school day, it was a really special occasion. When I got home there was a parcel waiting for me from America - inside was a second-hand pottery book published in 1986 that I hadn't been able to find here, and as soon as I opened it, I saw it was an ex-library book from a public library in Michigan. I was touched by the synchronicity and it felt wonderfully apt that I had spent the day with a brave school determined to keep the magic of creativity, imagination and words alive against the odds for all their children, only to find myself, standing in my hall, still with my coat on, holding an old out of print library book that had just arrived in the post. It's scuffed and well worn which tells me that it has been read by many people. It has been chosen, taken home to be poured over and then returned for others to enjoy. Perhaps because of its history it feels as if I am just a custodian of this well travelled book, and not its owner, and when the time is right I know I will pass it on. Inspiration is more than doubled when shared.