

Just sometimes a magical day comes along when the stars are aligned and things feel ‘right’!  Literally about 20 yards from where I live there is a lovely but under-used square.  The home owners and fabulous shop keepers who front the square raised a load of money a couple of years ago to turn it into a community space and it is still a rather well kept secret, but the recent arrival of Me and East, a glorious emporium of all things hand made is making a real impact on the area and turning it into a bit of a destination. This Saturday was the first Rotherfold Artisan Market, an intimate affair with a handful of local makers including lucky me, our wonderful local baker, The Almond Thief, organic food from The Kitchen Table and all curated by Me and East. Right from the off at 8am we all worked together, sweeping the square, putting up gazebos and umbrellas (rain was forecast but never really materialised until the very end when we were packing up and all got drenched!) and setting up our stalls. There was a steady stream of visitors; including many familiar faces, seen in the street, the shops, at the school gates, but perhaps never spoken to until now, as they visited our stands, asked questions, encouraged and enthused and bought, and, in many cases were amazed at the secret craft-based lives some of us have alongside our other jobs! There was music from local bands and buskers, delicious food and a lovely chilled party atmosphere.  It felt like the coming together of a very special community, but then those of us who live here know that this is our very unique little town at its absolute best. I loved every minute of it and I can’t wait for the next one!